Inteligent   Electronics Systems

  Professional electronic monitoring and sercurity services. 

Szkoła w sieci

Rozwiązanie które dzięki komunikacji pomiędzy uczniami i grupami sprawia, że uczniowie są angażowani do jeszcze większej aktywności a nauka jest przyjemna i efektywna bez wychodzenia z domu.


Tekst i Obraz
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Hazard Analysis 

based on satellite data

Today, geospatial information is necessary for organizations and specialists working in many industries. More and more data is collected from many sources and is also available to everyone as open data.

Our automated platform for cloud-based geographic information services, designed to provide fresh and accurate data and information about our changing world.

For more information, please click below.

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Care Center

Solutions to improve the comfort and safety of elderly people, minimizing risk and increasing safety.

See what we propose.



The solution dedicated to the geolocation and monitoring of people, vehicles, animals, movable property.

Check how it works.

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Streaming - Session of the Commune, City and Poviat Council. TV channel for administration - CityTV

Would you like to have your own TV channel on the internet? Check how easy it is

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