Video Systems_ENG

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1. Video Systems Management of the production systems, publication and release of the multimedial data in the “all screens ” model General information Applications are hardware independent. Installation is possible on servers running Windows, Linux or MacOS. System works with the client - server model. User can access it via any browser in particular by Internet Explorer, FireFox, Safari, Opera, Chrome. It does not require installation on computer or mobile device. jPALIO application engine (java Portal A ll In One) is based on Java technology . jPALIO platform is a universal and intelligent servlet and data bus. It is also an extremely versatile environment for building, implementing and integrating solutions in all IT environments. The system easily integrates with other systems and solutions thanks t o multiple communication connectors (databases, TCP/IP, XML, LDAP, Java components). jPALIO is a modular system entirely based on the following technologies and products: JAVA, Tomcat, Apache and any SQL database with JDBC or ODBC interface (ORACLE, DB2, S ybase, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, HypersonicSQL, Access, etc.). System’s architecture makes it easy to introduce and remotely manage new elements. System was designed with a strong focus on security: data transfer is secured by SSL protocol and users can be ad ditionally authorised by tokens or electronic cards with PKI infrastructure. VCMS (Video Content Management System) is an application for managing licences and license agreements, carriers, advertisements, movie displays on all currently available for ms of exploitation, in particular television, Internet, mobile and VOD. It p rovides comprehensive management of multimedia content throughout the life cycle of the material : from obtaining a license , through emissions, and then transferring the material to the archive. It has a module for planning promotion s and for positioning of content in system publication s . Interface integration with Vantage video coding system provides monitoring of the process of preparing content for publication in V OD services or TV broadcasting . VArchive provides secure archiving of broadcasting material in digital format while maintaining an advanced and flexible access to info rmation. It works with any type of disk arrays and data stores. Data can be stored on any medium. The application supports backup to disk arrays and tape libraries and individual carriers. Authorized users are guaranteed quick and efficient access to the archive and the ability to accur ately search for information by keyword or specific phrases, scenes and video keyframes, and inspect all the required information about the sought - after video. VPlanner supports processes of : - Creating and manag ing TV broadcast programming, - Issuing of video content in accordance with accep ted "LiveTV" program, - Plan ning of communications and video transmission, network load ing and reports transmission, - Plan ning of recordings (recording transfers of multimedia content) . The application monitors the flow of information related to the realization of the implemented processes. It c ontrols the consistency and timeliness of technical data necessary to perform scheduled tasks. It has a built - in tracking changes and feedback pro cesses and has implemented mechanisms for escalating issues and business reports.


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